Container Gardens are one of our specialties. Be it indoor or outdoor, we put together striking plant combinations that bring a dramatic pop of color to your landscape.

Our recipe follows the principles of “Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers” as explained in detail in this Fine Gardening article. The key is to really play with the shapes, textures and colors of both the foliage and the blooms. That said, we occasionally, deviate from this technique and create a strong architectural statement with one bold, tall plant in a container. We, also create plant combinations that play on monotone colors and focus more on the texture variety of the plants, producing a sort of understated elegance.  And then sometimes, the container itself is a focal point in large garden bed.

Here is an interesting article on container gardens published by APLD WA chapter – Small Backyard Designs: Container Gardening in Seattle (

Click on the link to see a variety of containers that we can procure from our suppliers. The various shapes, sizes and colors gives container gardens the ability to fit in whatever space you have. They add value to your entryways, decks, patios, balconies and even garden beds. This seasonal splash of color is brought to you on a time and material basis every two (May and Oct) or three times (Feb, May and Oct) a year.

Container Gardens from our Portfolio

For Slideshow – click on any of the pictures and use the right / left arrow to move forward or backward. For tips on maintenance and watering, please scroll down the page.


There is a small amount of maintenance required to keep these containers looking their best at all time. Deadheading to encourage new blooms, removing dead leaves to keep the arrangement looking fresh, foliar feeding for that boost in growth, swapping out spent bulbs for constant color, and so on. We pride on attention to detail and provide monthly maintenance as well to make sure your garden’s eye-catching containers are always looking their best.


Container gardens do require regular water, usually more than the plants that are in the ground. We can setup simple drip irrigation for the containers or refer you to irrigation specialists that can hook up these containers to your existing automatic irrigation system. If you prefer hand-watering, here are some tips – Watering Container Plants It is important to not let the soil dry out completely. Dry soils are hydrophobic and don’t hold water. That’s why you will see water flowing out rapidly sometimes and an inch below the top of the soil will still be dry.

The watering schedule is also an important factor is keeping the containers looking their best. Heat, wind and dry weather can evaporate the water from the containers much faster than from the plants in the ground. Setup the irrigation timer to water twice a day for short bursts like 1 minute. If hand-watering, it’s a good idea to check your containers in the morning,  again in the afternoon and water accordingly.